Our Services
Urban Sophisticats
We offer a variety of services to meet your cats’ grooming needs. Typically, cats are dealing with tangles, matted fur, fleas, dandruff, hairballs, sharp and/or ingrown nails, shedding, greasiness, odors and unsanitary conditions. Owners might be dealing with allergies or angry cats due to the above mentioned issues. No matter the issue, we are here to advise to the best of our ability and point you into the right direction.

Soft Paws


Blow Dry

Bath & Blowdry
Lion Cut
Comb Cut
Maintenance Groom
Behavior/Age related handling
Mat Removal
Pelt Removal
Fecal Removal
Add Ons
Belly Shave/Sani
Sanitary Trim
De-Shed Treatment
Soft Paws Front
Soft Paws Back
Soft Paws Full Set
Toe Tuff Trim
Walk In Services
Nail Trimming
Soft Paw Application
If you have never had your cat professionally groomed before, please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions you might have. We can’t wait to meet you and your feline(s)!
The Hair Balls
A most unusual specimen that typically appears just when guests are about to arrive. This indescribable blob on the floor is almost always discovered by the guest rather than the cat owner. And if having your obsessively clean mother-in-law find a hairball on the kitchen floor isn’t bad enough, the sound of your cat barfing one up is.
Beyond the shedding and subsequent hairballs, cat owners often find themselves battling tangles, mats, eye stains, and more. This is where the professional cat groomer comes in. The cat groomer, you see, is the brave soul who fearlessly takes on the deadly challenge of immersing an animal into a tub full of what it hates most. Cat vs. Water. Big strong cat with sharp teeth and eighteen VERY sharp claws vs. tub of water AND cat groomer. You get the picture!
“I took Snookie in for grooming as she sheds so much. She looks wonderful! So soft! Shedding is under control. Thanks Rachel!”
-Lisa J